Observation, Regulation and Labor Reconfiguration
15 Mar 2018 Paris (France)


Please e-mail abstracts of up to 500 words to Anne-Cécile Mermet (anne-cecile.mermet@univ-paris1.fr) and Maria Gravari-Barbas (maria.gravari-barbas@univ-paris1.fr) by January 5th.

Successful applicants will be contacted no later than January 31st.

Participants have to send a 2 pages paper by March 2nd in order to prepare the discussion at: anne-cecile.mermet@univ-paris1.fr and maria-gravari-barbas@wanadoo.fr  and the discussant of your session (Sébastien Jacquot sebastien.jacquot@univ-paris1.fr ; Jean-Michel Chapuis Jean-Michel.Chapuis@univ-paris1.fr).

Powerpoint presentation have to be sent by March 14th (ppt/pptx and pdf files), same emails.

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